home Penny Isotopes Lab

Isotopes Lab


This exercise will demonstrate the relative abundance of isotopes and explain how the weighted atomic mass of the elements is determined. Pennies from 1982 are similar to a mixture of isotopes in that they all look the same, but their masses tend to group around two values rather than one. This difference is due to a change in the minting process from solid copper to copper with a zinc core. Therefore, holding two pennies, one that is solid copper and one that is copper with a zinc core is similar to holding isotopes of an element in your hand.


balance; 20 pre-1982 pennies; 20 post-1982 pennies; 20 1982 pennies.


  1. Work in pairs and obtain 20 pre-1982 pennies. Record their average weight to the nearest 1/100th of a gram. This represents the lighter isotope we will call "X".
  1. Now obtain 20 post-1982 pennies and record their average weight to the nearest 1/100th of a gram. This represents the heavier isotope that we will call "Y" (example 3.24g).
  1. Next obtain 20 1982 pennies and record their average weight to the nearest 1/100th of a gram. Here we have mixed isotopes with an average weight of (3.09g)
  1. Determine the relative abundance of each isotope using the following formula:

Use the following formula to determine the percent of the mixed group that are pre-1982 type isotopes and post-1982 type isotopes.

avg. wt. of 1982 coins = [avg. wt. of "Y" + avg. wt. of "X" / 2 ]

For the avg. wt. "X" we can substitute (1 - Y) because "X" can be determined by subtracting "Y" from 100%.

Example: 3.09 = [3.24 + (1 - 3.24 X) / 2 ]

  • 3.09 = [3.24 + (-2.24 X) / 2 ] Then subtract 3.24 from both sides of the equation
  • -0.15 = [-2.24 X / 2]
  • Divide the "X" value by 2 and then solve for "X" by dividing both sides by the number in front of the "X" eg. (-1.12)
  • 0.134 = "X" change to percent by moving the decimal = 13.4%
  • Therefore, "X" = 13.4% so "Y" must equal (100% - "X") or 86.6%.

    1. Why is the average weight used instead of the weight of one coin?

    1. How can you tell pre-1982 from post-1982 coins without looking at the date or weighing them?

    1. Do the following problems and find the atomic mass using significant figures.

    75.53% 35.0Cl and 24.47% 37.0Cl and also 19.6% 10.0B and 80.4% 11.0B